Celbridge Disability Access Group
Hello. We are the Celbridge Disability Access Group!
Celbridge Disability Access Group (CDAG) works with others to promote inclusion and accessibility for ALL, to live, work, shop, visit and thrive in, for Celbridge and the surrounding areas. CDAG is part of the County Kildare Access Network (CKAN).
CKAN is a network of individuals and organisations working towards making County Kildare inclusive and fully accessible to all.
We are a group of volunteers with energy and commitment who lead on initiatives and collaborate with others including schools, disability service organisations, Library service, Community Garda, groups, and individuals to promote disability awareness and improve life for ALL.
We act as a communication channel from the community to Kildare County Council, working closely with the Local Area Engineer, and others to improve services through our input to the Celbridge Local Area Plan and County Kildare Development Plan.
We also communicate concerns to Iarnróid Eireann, National Transport for Ireland, and respond to public consultations for example with Bus Connects.
We always welcome new members, people with disabilities, families, carers and anyone interested in getting involved. Everyone is welcome, those who have only a small amount of time and those who have time to be more involved in our activities. These activities include Kildare Disability Week, Light Up in Purple and Schools Initiative campaign, ACCESS ALL AREAS in partnership with local business, as well as street walkability audits.
Our most recent initiative is a course in KWETB Further Education Centre building skills and preparing participants to go out on work experience to complete their QQI L4. This was the direct result of the consultation Have Your Voice Heard initiative to inform us of the priorities of people with disabilities and carers in our local area.
Bricks and Scripts is a super exciting workshop for children who learn about Universal Design while creating drama scripts and designing and building the scenes in LEGO. These children are the writers, producers, designers, architects and engineers of the not too distant future.
Access All Areas Campaign
ACCESS ALL AREAS is an award-winning campaign developed by Celbridge Disability Access Group (CDAG), supporting local business in making Business Accessible to ALL. CDAG is working in partnership with Celbridge businesses to make people with disabilities feel Valued and Welcomed.
Three local businesses Lynch’s Centra, Macari’s Takeaways and Walsh’s Pharmacies have Championed to kickstart the campaign. Our ambition is to support this campaign reach all businesses, local and county, working together to make Kildare accessible and inclusive for all; so that everyone can live, shop and travel safely in our community.
Improve your Accessibility
Improve your Business
Making ALL Customers feel Valued & Welcomed
Find out more/sign-up contact CDAG at celbridgeaccess@gmail.com; www.ckan.ie; mhurley@kildarecoco.ie
This campaign contributes to County Kildare Access Strategy 2020 – 2022 Objective 3: “Work with local businesses to promote accessibility.” The group also works with local businesses and disability organisations (such as SJOG, IWA, KARE, NCBI) in identifying priority accessibility issues locally.