Working to make County Kildare Inclusive & Fully Accessible to All…

To support the removal of physical, attitudinal & communications barriers for all.

About Us

We are a network of individuals and organisations working towards making County Kildare inclusive & fully accessible to all. As a group we support the removal of physical, attitudinal & communication barriers for all. Working closely as stakeholders with Kildare County Council, we regularly participate in street audits to monitor the ongoing development and improvement of our County town’s infrastructure. The group also works with local businesses and disability organisations (such as IWA, KARE, NCBI) in identifying priority accessibility issues locally. 13% of the population of Kildare or 27,768 people have at least one disability.



Our Vision is that County Kildare is universal to all and recognised as a leader in universal accessibility.

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To support the removal of physical,attitudinal & communication barriers for all.

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Inclusion: The principle of universal design underpins inclusive practices. By addressing the physical, attitudinal & communicate

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Naas Access & Disability Group

Voluntary Organisation working to improve the access issues in Naas and surrounding areas. We strive to help people with disabilities, serious illness and older persons to shop, live and travel safety day to day in our local community.

Newbridge Access Group

Newbridge Access Group would welcome new members, who can bring some fresh thinking and support to our group, If you have a disability, or you have a family member or friend with a disability, you will be particularly welcome to join us.

Celbridge Access Group

Celbridge Access Group works with others to promote accessibility for all in Celbridge village and surrounding areas.

Athy Access Group

Promote awareness of barriers to accessibility for people living and working in Athy.

Leixlip Access Group

Promote awareness of barriers to accessibility for people living and working in Leixlip.

Maynooth Access Group

Maynooth Access Group’s purpose is to promote universal accessibility and inclusivity by sharing information, events and campaigns with the wider community and key stake holders.

Monasterevin Access Group

Promote awareness of barriers to accessibility for people living and working in Monasterevin.

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Click the image above for more information on the Kildare Inclusivity Festival!

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